Celebrant Directory
'The Funeral Celebrant Directory with photos and detailed bios was very useful in helping us to make our celebrant choice.' Alicia B (Sydney)
在我出生后的六年里,作为医生的父母每天带我在中国当地市医院轮班值守。我每天都目睹着死亡剧情的上演,从早产儿到形如枯槁的老人,从充满憧憬未来的年轻人到社会的精英。对自己死亡时刻的不确定性和死后的未知恐惧让我每一天都过得战战兢兢。 这种无休止的煎熬,促使我后来致力于通过世俗生活的体验来研究身体、心灵和精神的内在联系,并力图突破种种无形的阻力,改变自己和他人的命运。 经过几年在不同国家的大型舞台上进行激励演讲和分享后,我发现帮助那些了解并相信转世轮回,但出生后依然带有同样恐惧的人群到达彼岸,是我力所能及的事情。因此,成为一名葬礼司仪成了我的自然选择。
In the six years following my birth, my parents, who are doctors, took me with them every day to their shifts at a local city hospital in China. Each day, I witnessed the unfolding drama of death.The uncertainty of my own moment of death and the fear of the unknown afterwards made every day a trembling ordeal for me.
This relentless torment later drove me to study the intrinsic connections between body, mind, and spirit through the experiences of secular life, striving to break through various invisible barriers to change my own fate and that of others from the cradle to the grave.
After several years of giving motivational speeches and sharing my experiences on large stages in different countries, I found that helping those who understand and believe in afterlife, yet still harbour the same fears from birth, to cross to the other side, was within my capabilities. Thus, becoming a funeral celebrant became a natural choice for me.
“ Dr. Angela Wilson is the one any entrepreneurs and business owners could not afford to miss out if you desire a safe journey. "
“如果你渴望一段安全的旅程,Angela Wilson博士是任何企业家和企业主都不可错过的人选。”
“如果你渴望一段安全的旅程,Angela Wilson博士是任何企業家和企業主都不可錯過的人選。”
“What She has to offer is so powerful and so unique, she truly has her hands on what humanity is looking for but afraid most of us to find.”
"Angela takes one to places that others can’t. The journey is both fascinating and enlightening.”
“Her practical application for you as a human being will open you up to broader things that you never thought possible and give you a very solid grounding foundation that is unshakable. ”
"Dr. Angela Wilson’s ability to take you deep is unmatched by anyone in the helping profession that I have encountered.”
“Angela Wilson博士深入引导的能力在我遇到的所有帮助行业专业人士中无人能及。”
“Angela Wilson博士深入引導的能力在我遇到的所有幫助行業專業人士中無人能及。”
“You have an illumination that's just beyond anybody that I have met and I just wanted to tell you that because it's beautiful. Beautiful spirit. ”